Belmont Veterans Memorial Pier
Continuing my Into The Ocean project, I visited Belmont Veterans Memorial Pier in Long Beach. That week there been having record heat in Southern California so I got there early. Okay, maybe 10am isn't early for you morning people but given that it's an hour and a half away, I had to take care of Bruno, AND have coffee it was early enough for me!
As soon as I arrived it was clear that bike riding is very popular here. There are bike rentals, cement paths along the beach and a very complicated pedestrian/bike intersection at the beginning of the pier. Thankfully I managed to cross it without pissing off too many people. [BTW click on any image to buy it]
This pier is a fishing pier so there's the inevitable aroma that goes with that, but the ocean breeze makes it okay. It's interesting to see the different kinds of people fishing. Some people are really into it and they're prepared with the right equipment, listening to music, joking with their buddies and having fun. Others are more serious and seem to be doing it because they need the fish to eat. And then there are the total amateurs who thought it would be a fun thing to do with the kids but didn't think about the fact that there would be pigeons and seagulls harassing them and that the children would be bored.
The beach condos next to the pier remind me of my childhood. Friends of my parents had an apartment by the beach and several families would drive there for holiday weekends and such. It was so much fun and looking at these buildings I could picture myself back there.
Of course I had to get underneath the pier to see the structure. It was also a cool and refreshing reprieve from the sun.What is my Into The Ocean project? You can read more about it here.