I Have Been Waiting for This!
This one is too big, this one is too small... how will I find one that's just right? One of the challenges of buying art prints online is choosing a size. No worries! Now my online store has a feature where you can get an idea of how a certain size will look before you buy it.
Let's say you want a framed print like the one below. But choosing a size is difficult because you can't visualize how that might look.
You want this photo to go in your living room next to an arm chair or above the sofa. This will be the focal point on that wall so you're thinking 20 x 30 would be a good size.
Is it?
Now you have help choosing a size because you can preview what that might look like!
framed photo on living room wall
framed photo over sofa
It's not exact, but it makes visualizing and choosing a size a lot easier. Here's how it works:
Choose an image
Choose a print option (canvas, framed, etc.)
Choose a size
View the print on the wall
Choose a different size
View the second size print on the wall
You'll find the previews at the bottom of the print and every time you change the size the preview will change with it.
framed photo previews
Pretty cool, right? And if you're looking for gift ideas that aren't wall art, there are a bunch of other options. Tote bags, notebooks, pillow covers, to name a few. Happy shopping!