Why We Should Embrace Our Weirdness


“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” - Dr. Seuss

Are you weird? I’m a little weird. There’s this definition of ‘normal’—a path I was supposed to follow but couldn’t. Maybe you feel the same way? Does what you are ‘supposed’ to do feel right? Or have you had that gut feeling that was hard to ignore? That knowing that there has to be something more. Let's embrace our weirdness.

Maybe out of guilt or fear we decided to ignore our hearts and do as we were told. I did. Until one day something changed. I learned that life is short, that change happens even when you’re not ready. And that sometimes, when everything goes to hell, there is good that comes from it.

At that point I decided to accept my weirdness. Fitting in was hard; being me was harder.

you are you

you are you

Join me and let’s enjoy being weird. Let’s refuse to be forced to live out someone else’s version of success. Let’s stop trying to fit into a cookie-cutter version of the ideal life. As weirdos we will fail, and learn, and grow—then repeat.

We will continue to create with a camera, a pen, a paintbrush, a computer because it makes us happy and because we know that, when we do, we are living life well. Some will scoff at our plans. Others will doubt we can do it. And there will be those who will give “helpful” advice. That’s okay. Let them.

Do no harm but take no shit. Be here. Be kind. Be a hippie, a teacher, an artist, a crazy dog lady, a caregiver—whatever feels right for you. Life is beautiful, and colorful and messy. Let’s live it with strength and purpose.

Mr. Bear was a dog that came into my life for a very short time with the purpose of showing me my calling. In his honor, I will do what I am meant to do.

Yes, it takes guts to be weird, but if I can do it, so can you.