The Last Shot of 2011
I have to say I'm somewhat relieved that the year is almost over and that I made it through the holiday season. It wasn't easy. This year was a roller coaster (and I hate roller coasters). It was a year of bone-crushing grief, amazing spiritual experiences, big changes, difficult departures, uncertainty and questions, immense love, uplifting friendships, personal and artistic growth, pessimism, optimism, joy, sadness, togetherness and loneliness. I didn't anticipate how tough it would all be and despite my (sometimes doubtful) strength I simply was not prepared for what 2011 dished out. Regardless, here I am, thankful for the lessons, facing 2012 and (I think) ready for what it brings. Next year, my goal is to live in gratitude.
In the same manner as last year I decided I needed to go and take one last photo today. My initial idea of going to the beach for sunset had to change thanks to a back muscle spasm. So I took my camera with me during my evening walk with Bella with hopes of capturing something worthwhile.
There are seasons here and it's definitely winter now. I have often admired the trees that I pass on my walks with Bella. When I moved here in July they were all green; then they turned red, orange and yellow and now they are bare. I can't help but find the similarities in the changes in seasons and the changes in my life. How apropos that the moon tonight is in it's "waxing crescent" phase - it's like a glass half full - as it goes towards full.
So, that's all for 2011. I'll be bringing in the new year quietly at home and wishing everyone all that they desire for 2012. Happy New Year xxoo